Anyone who paid for their smartphone with a credit card or took out a loan to do so would expect to see some sort of return on their investment. Here are five different ways you can make money without ever leaving your phone. Enjoy!


People are becoming increasingly interested in the prospect of making money off of their mobile phones as a result of advances in technology. At this point in time, everyone makes use of a smartphone that is enabled with either Apple’s iOS or Google’s Android operating system. 


Since it is possible to make money solely through the use of your smartphone, you can use this as a means of supplementing your primary salary or income and have additional funds available for use in meeting specific requirements and goals. People from all over the world are participating in a variety of activities, such as taking paid surveys and monetizing their YouTube channels, in order to generate what is referred to as mobile money.


How to Make Money Off of Mobile Applications


Making money through app downloads is a very simple process.


Downloading the app and establishing a profile is typically all that is required to get started. It’s possible that certain apps will require you to supply more information than others, and this will depend on the specifics of the situation.


For instance, if you want to make money through Uber, you will have to go through an approval process that can take anywhere from five to seven days. They will check your background as well as verify your driver’s licence and car information.


You can start making money with other apps in a matter of seconds after signing up, without having to go through any kind of drawn-out registration process.


Ensure that you are in possession of a working PayPal account. The majority of apps that generate income pay users through PayPal.


The GymPact

Most people, with the exception of personal trainers and professional athletes, find it difficult to find work. Until this point. GymPact members can earn cash for each gym visit they make, but what’s the catch? If you miss a day, you will be charged a fee, which will be used to compensate more consistent members.

The ESPN Cash Streak competition

Another one about athletics, but this one won’t make you sweat—at least not until you win the grand prize of $20,000! The user who correctly predicts the outcomes of the most consecutive sporting events wins the cash prize provided by ESPN Streak for Cash.

Roulette at Caesar’s Palace


Do you consider yourself fortunate, punk? So, how about you? If this is the case, you can use your mobile device to win real money at Caesar’s casino’s roulette table. Simply cross your fingers and hope that the symbols start falling in the right places.

Agent in the Field


The work of a Field Agent isn’t quite as glamorous as that of James Bond, but it does allow you to earn money for doing things as simple as scanning barcodes or photographing products in your local grocery store. (Tuxedos are optional.)



If you’re tired of Craigslist, Gigwalk is the next best thing; all you have to do is upload your portfolio and showcase your unique abilities (for example, photography, creative writing, or dog walking), and you’re ready to start making money $$$.


You can make money in a variety of different ways with your smartphone, the vast majority of which are not difficult at all and require little effort on your part. You can still make additional income to supplement your base salary by doing things like playing games, having to fill out surveys, doing freelance work, or watching advertisements, for example. 


It is definitely in your best interest to put your smartphone to use for something that is more useful and productive than reading the online posts and comments of other people. Earning profit with your smartphone won’t make you rich, but it can help you meet your fundamental requirements and put some extra money in your pocket.